Contact TIRA-SA
To get in touch, please fill out the form below or send an email. We will respond by email.
Bets van Jaarsveld
062 148 9599
E-mail address:
Bank Details
Acc holder: TIRASA
Bank: FNB
Branch code: 250655
Cheque/Current Account No: 6288 7445 768
Entering the correct reference is important so we can link your payment to your membership
Reference: Membership Number+Invoice Number Eg “RET002 INV0000345”
Initials+Surname + Invoice Number e.g. “FJ Retief INV0000345”
Organisation+Invoice Number e.g “JNB Council INV0000345”
or if no Invoice Number is available
Name/Organistion plus description e.g “FJ Retief March 24 Seminar”
you will be redirected to contact us page, where you should scroll to the bottom and follow the grievance procedure